If your script is longer than...

  • 20 pages (film or TV treatments and TV series bibles)
  • 20 pages (short film scripts)
  • 30 pages (TV comedies)
  • 60 pages (TV dramas)
  • 120 pages (feature film scripts)

...then you need to pay extra fees to cover the extra pages. 

View all service page definitions here > https://industrialscripts.com/script-coverage-services/ 

Industrial Scripts charges $2 per extra page submitted.

So, for example, if you're submitting a 65 page drama script, you're therefore 5 pages over the industry standard. 

ie. 5 extra pages x $2 = $10 in extra fees.

After checkout simply visit this link https://industrialscripts.thrivecart.com/any-amount-payment/ , enter the amount owing, swiftly check out and you can then proceed to log your script in our script handler, DevKing.