Firstly it's worth pointing out that whilst many screenwriting contest use similar submission platforms, they are usually totally independent of one another.
This is certainly the case with IS contests and talent identification opportunities.
Accordingly, we cannot comment on the readers, the scoring policies, or even the coverage of other companies or contests because....we don't know anything about them.
Script development like art, generally, is hugely subjective and one reader's high score could represent a middling or even low scoring project from the individual perspective of another reader, at a separate contest.
All we can do is follow our own internal protocols and policies.
The only thing we would say with absolute certainty is that if you did not advance in The TITAN Awards or another of our contests, then you should certainly not view this as the death-knell for your project.
The routes to a film or series getting to market are myriad and unexpected. All you can control as a writer is your own performance, and your own productivity so.....keep writing!