If you reached out to Coverfly in the past, requesting they delete all your information, your scripts or your account, you may encounter an issue with submitting to The TITAN.
This is because all submissions for the contest are handled, internally, in Coverfly (even if they aren't submitted on CF).
There are 3 possible scenarios, in the event you've deleted your account from CF historically:
- You submit via Coverfly, thereby re-opening an account with them
- You submit via FilmFreeway, and we're sent an email telling us to either assess your material "off platform" or request your permission to move the project into CF (you can always request to have your details deleted later)
- You submit via IS, and your project potentially slips through the cracks (as the project doesn't automatically import into CF, and we're not notified - or have no way of knowing - that you have deleted your CF account in the past)
In the 2021 contest cycle only 1 submission out of thousands fell into category 3.
However, we strongly recommend writers raise a support ticket using this knowledge base in the event their project falls into Category 3 as described above.